Our Customers are important to us

Let's get in touch


4356 Metropolitan Blvd E , Montreal
QC, CA H1S 1A2


(514) 728-2222



Contact our service department

At Lombardi Honda, we value communication with our customers. Whether you're looking to learn more about our latest Honda models, service offerings, or have questions regarding financing and leasing options, we're here to assist. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are committed to providing accurate and helpful responses.

To reach out to us, you can fill out our online form available on this page. Provide your contact details and outline your inquiry, and a team member will get back to you as soon as possible. If you prefer direct contact, feel free to call us. Our phone details are listed below, and we are available during business hours to take your calls.

If your inquiry is related to after-sales service or spare parts, our service department is ready to assist you. For service appointments or specific questions about parts, please use the contacts dedicated to these services.

We value every opportunity to serve our clients and commit to delivering an exceptional customer experience. Visit us at our Montreal location, indicated on this page, for a more personal experience. At Lombardi Honda, your satisfaction is our priority.

We look forward to hearing from you and helping you navigate your journey with Honda.

What's the best way to get in touch with you?

Opening hours

Monday to
Tuesday to
Wednesday to
Thursday to
Friday to
Saturday to
Sunday Closed
Monday to
Tuesday to
Wednesday to
Thursday to
Friday to
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday to
Tuesday to
Wednesday to
Thursday to
Friday to
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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